Al Sherif Metals Ltd Amman Jordan it has over 50 years of experience in the field of metal smelting and trading. It has many local and international services such as recycling metals, metal smelting, and Metals supplier for factories, local and international companies specialized in this field, industrial and commercial clearance for its Long experience in international trade and entitlement Membership of the Gold List of Jordanian Customs, which means absolute confidence in the credibility of our dealings and the company's system which adopts the ISO system, and also provides a distinguished service in Jordan the Electronic weighing for cargo trucks up to 100 tons. The company has been awarded the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in the Private Sector for the year 2015/2016. Our company is an active member and participant in most of the recycling institutes and associations in the world. Please Look to Our achievements below

The King Abdullah II Award for Excellence for the Private Sector is the highest award for quality in Jordan. It was established at the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 1999 with the objective of enhancing the competitiveness of Jordanian businesses by promoting quality awareness and performance excellence on the nationalو Al-Sharif Metals Ltd. has always been keen to provide quality products and services. She was honored to win this award for 2015/2016.

The Jordanian Gold Customs List are the Jordanian companies that has an important and important role in trade exchange with the rest of the world. Al-Sharif Metal Ltd which has long experience in the field of international import and export was selected with most of the countries of the world to be part of the Gold List of Jordanian Customs.

Al-Sharif Metal Company is committed to quality management system, quality assurance and customer satisfaction.

Al Sharif Metals ltd one of the members in The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) is a United States-based private, non-profit trade association representing more than 1,600 private and public for-profit companies

Al Sharif Metals ltd is a member in The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) is the only global recycling industry association representing around 800 companies and 35 affiliated national recycling federations from 70 different countries. Its members are world leaders in the supply of raw materials and a key pillar for sustainable economic development.

Al Sharif Metals ltd is one of the members in the BMR the organization to mainly represent all the suppliers/traders of Middle East Recycling Industry which is one of the largest geographical sectors dealing with million tons of scrap

Al Sharif Metals ltd Active member in (CMRA) works to development of recycling metals industry and acquiring the latest industrial trends for metals recycling.